Ouriginal (formerly Urkund)


Ouriginal (formerly Urkund) is a plagiarism detection system that offers a fully-automated system for handling plagiarism.

Plagiarism refers to the copying of someone else's material and using it as if it were one's own work, without citing a quotation or stating a source. 

Ouriginal​ matches submitted text against material from three source areas:

    • the internet
    • previously submitted student texts (over 23 million)
    • publisher's content: Ouriginal​ has formed strategic partnerships with a number of leading information providers


  1. STUDENTS -Students send their documents via e-mail, web upload or LMS integration to their teachers/professors. With the e-mail and web upload option, no software needs to be installed.
  2. Ouriginal​ - When the documents arrive at Ouriginal, they are analysed against the content of three source areas: content published on the internet, publisher's content, and student material. When the analyses are finished, the documents and generated reports are forwarded to the teachers.
  3. TEACHERS - The result of the analyses and the student documents are forwarded to the teacher's e-mail address of choice, straight into an LMS or the  Ouriginal web-based inbox. The analysis overview contains the necessary information for the teacher to determine if plagiarism has occurred.


  • Easy to use: Ouriginal does not require any software installation, use of complex interfaces or login to a website; neither for the student nor the teacher. This means that the service is very easy to use and introduce into an organization.
  • Less work involved: Ouriginal's system automatically checks all submitted documents with no extra effort required on the part of the teacher. 
  • Discovery: Ouriginal screens all submitted documents at every instance of submission. This maximizes the discovery rate. 
  • Preventing plagiarism: Ouriginal has a very strong preventative effect. Implementing a system like Ouriginal sends a clear signal that plagiarism is unacceptable and that the resources to address the problem are in place.
  • Ouriginal works for any language as long as the text is Unicode compliant, also cyrillic characters. Arabic works too but the layout is left to right. 
  • The results of the Ouriginal analysis is presented in an interactive report. The report is presented in a quick and easy overview with visual aids that help users identify those findings that need closer examination. Users still get detailed views for each finding side-by-side, and can drill into the specific sources matched, or scroll through the full document with findings highlighted. New features that are being developed and released in the near future are cross-language detection, author identification, and a new UI for the web portal.
  • Ouriginal can be integrated with Moodle the world’s foremost open source Learning Management System/Virtual Learning Environment (or other LMS/VLEs).


Last modified: Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 11:20 AM