How to Guides - Faculty

To access Moodle, go to url : http//
Login with your account
Username = NIK
Password = **** (always change your password if requested for safety reason)
To access the courses, go to : My Latest Courses
You will find your courses there.

To create new course,
You need to contact the ODeL Department [Mr. David Situma, Mr. David Mwangi or Ms Virginia Njoroge] by email
and give details about the course :  Course Name | Course Code | Course Start Date | Number of Lessons

To change settings of online course :
1.Go to your Course
2. Course Administration > Edit Settings
3. After finish setting, click : Save Changes

1.Go to your Course
2. Course Administration > Users > Groups
3. Create Group > Insert Group name > Save Changes
4. Input members to Group by Choose the Group > Add/remove user
5. Choose the student by type their name (First name) > Add
6.Back to groups

Last modified: Wednesday, 31 May 2017, 10:04 AM