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How Do ODeL Classes Work?

Tips on how to be a successful ODeL student.

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With the increasing prevalence of distance learning and its likely ubiquity going into the future, it’s only natural that students will have lots of questions. Let’s look at some of the most common, as well as provide tips for succeeding in the ODeL Mode of study.

How Do ODeL Classes Work?

First, an overview of online classes and what to expect. After all, knowing what you’re getting into is integral to understanding how to be successful in online classes. 

So, how do ODeL classes work?

  • It’s relatively straightforward: you complete all the same coursework, assignments, and exams through an internet connection rather than in person. Students simply log into the ODeL (online portal) rather than walking or driving to campus to sit in a brick-and-mortar classroom. 
  • Once students log in, you may watch live lectures or prerecorded video segments from their instructors, download and read assigned materials, participate in group discussions, and even send direct messages and questions to classmates and the professor. 
  • Students can submit assignments and papers, take quizzes, post short videos, and so forth, all through their ODeL portal.


Tips on how to be a Successful ODeL student.

The first few weeks of a semester often set the tone for the rest of the year. The first tip to becoming a successful online student is to start the semester with a game plan.

It’s important to become aware of course expectations, the upcoming workload, and the course online/remotely. If you’re taking multiple online courses, prioritize these courses and predict which courses will be more assignment-heavy.

A number of ways to prepare for an ODeL course may include the following:

  • Understand online learning practices and expectations
  • Make sure you have reliable internet access
  • Create a dedicated study space
  • Outline your goals and self-expectations

An important tip for the successful ODeL students is to never neglect the course syllabus. The course syllabus is an outline that breaks down the introduction to the course, the timeline, the upcoming assignments, and other rules and responsibilities for students.

Many course syllabuses introduce students to their professors and provide background on the professor’s pedagogy and experience in their discipline. In a traditional classroom setting, the professor will usually review the syllabus on the first day of class and walk students through the basics.

Successful online students should conduct their own thorough review before jumping into course content.

A positive ambiance and pleasant learning environment is an essential component for helping you to become a successful online student. Your learning environment impacts productivity and the ability to retain information.

There are a number of ways you can manipulate your space to optimize your study environment.

Background Noise and Music

  • Noise can be distracting, but the right background noise can actually promote learning. Opt for noise-canceling headphones if you struggle to concentrate with sound.
  • If you excel in environments with minimal sound disruption, cue up a classical music playlist or a drum and bass playlist. Instrumental playlists reduce distractions when compared to lyrical compositions.

Comfort Level

  • The optimal study environment should be comfortable but not too comfortable. Create a space where you can sit or stand upright at your computer.
  • Avoid chairs with too much cushion. A successful online student never turns their bed into a working station.
  • It’s important to differentiate workspace from lounge space.

Temperature and Lighting

  • Determine the optimal temperature and lighting for your space. A warm room can promote lethargy.
  • Try to keep the temperature cool, without being cold. Avoid artificial lighting and reduce the brightness on your computer screen to protect your eyes.

Clean and Tidy

  • Evidence has shown that a messy workspace can be a self-defeating environment that produces substandard work and even causes people to abandon unfinished projects.
  • Clutter is yet another distraction that should be avoided. Tidy up your workspace before trying to study.
  • Keep your space organized so that you can focus on work without feeling the need to clean.

It’s easier to maintain work/life balance when you’re studying in a classroom. The classroom environment provides a clear divide between school time and home time.

It’s important that a successful online student creates a study schedule to create boundaries and ensure these lines aren’t blurred.

According to The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People, “People who construct their goals in concrete terms are 50% more likely to feel confident they will attain their goals and 32% more likely to feel in control of their lives.”

Students can gain control by planning ahead. 

  • First, map out deadlines on a calendar.
  • Next, determine how much time you will need to complete each assignment or study for the scheduled tests and exams. Work backwards and schedule a work session each day.
  • If you want to get more granular, you can determine the time of day that works best for your schedule. 

Some applications and online calendars allow you to send yourself notifications so you can stay on track.

Time management is one of the most important skills for a successful online student to master. However, not everyone is a natural born Type A personality.

How can students better manage time to hit deadlines and avoid burnout? Researchers have discovered time management tools that anyone can use to improve productivity, including the Pomodoro Technique.

The Pomodoro Technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, separated by short breaks.

Use the following steps to successfully manage time with the Pomodoro method and become a successful online student:

  1. Select a specific task to get done
  2. Set a timer for 25 minutes
  3. Work on the task until the timer sounds
  4. Draw a checkmark on a piece of paper
  5. Take a short 3-5-minute break and start over from Step 2
  6. Once you have five check marks, take a 15-30-minute break
  7. Start over from Step 1



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Last modified: Thursday, 15 August 2024, 1:23 PM