Supported Programmes ...

Currently, the ODeL Department  provides full support for the Four Academic Programmes listed below:

1. BA in Counseling Psychology

The BA in Psychology and Counseling degree is designed to equip students with psychological knowledge to help them understand human behavior and provide skills for intervention in a multicultural setting. The course aims to promote spiritual maturity, personal growth, and provide background for further education and professional development.

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2. Bachelor of Business Administration

The Bachelor of Business Administration is aimed at preparing students for a career in business and related fields. The degree aims to provide students with a broad-based business education that takes into account the skills necessary to perform as a professional in the dynamic global business environment .The program integrates faith and Christian values that will enable students to learn the important skills effective managers need to survive and succeed in today's marketplace.

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3. Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies

The Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies is a four-year undergraduate programme that combines general education with basic study of community development. It is designed to develop a consistent Christian vision and approach to community development and poverty reduction. This will be attained by helping the students to acquire relevant knowledge, skills and competencies geared towards empowering communities to manage their own initiatives for social transformation.

Students in this programme will major in one of two areas:  Sustainable Community Development and Urban Development.

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4. Bachelor of Theology

The purpose of the Bachelor of Theology programme is to promote excellence in African Christianity by preparing pastors and theological educators who are well equipped intellectually, socially, and spiritually.

At the end of the study in the Bachelor of Theology programme, the student should be able to: a) Teach and preach the gospel message in such a way that it is clearly understood. b) Expound the Bible and theological confessions that serve as a foundation of evangelical Christian faith. c) Apply knowledge gained to address the issues and challenges facing the church and society in Africa. d) Pursue further studies in the various areas of theological education.

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Last modified: Tuesday, 18 September 2018, 12:40 PM