How to Attempt Your OBE Exam


The first step is to navigate to your exam, which you will have been enrolled by the exams team. This will appear under my courses menu  as a course site but the site name will have a suffix  [Dec21 EoS Exam].

The structure of the course/exam site name  will be as follows:

EXAMPLE: BDS 411 Governance and Politics of Development : - Mr. Elly Ndiao on 6-Dec-21 [Dec21 EoS Exam]

You may also navigate to the exam via the exams link on the menu, then proceed accordingly.


  1. The Exam/Assignment screen will appear showing instructions and your Submission status (date submitted, grade, etc.) for this assignment.  Read the assignment instructions as each assignment may be different and you don’t want to miss important information from your professor. Download the attached documents (usually pdf and word formats) - where the questions are listed.

  2. Open a word-processing program such as Word, type your assignment as your professor instructed, and save it to your computer. You may also hand write you solution on a fullscap and scan it to pdf upload.
  3. Return to the Exam/Assignment screen and click the Add submission button.

    Note: If you are submitting the assignment late  the "Add submission" button  may not appear as some instructors do not accept late assignments.  If this is the case contact your instructor to discuss next steps. 

  4. The File submissions screen will open.  Click Add.
  5. Click on Upload a file, then click Browse.
  6. Navigate to the assignment file you created in step 2 above, then select the file and click Open. Click the Upload this file button.
  7. You will see your uploaded file within the file submission box. Click on Save Changes to continue.
  8. You may click the Edit submission button to add or replace uploaded files before finalizing.
  9. To finalize your submission, Click on the Submit assignment button.
  10. If the Assignment submission statement is displayed, Check the box to confirm that the assignment is your own work, and then click the Continue button to confirm the submission.
  11. When the Submission Status displays as “Submitted for grading” your Lecturer has your work and will grade it as discussed in your course syllabus.